Fascinating how in the promoted articles in the “Politics” section of Medium, there are a bunch of articles like this one about Charlottesville, all written from pretty much the exact same myopic perspective. This is just how Medium operates, as I’ve made clear in my detailed discussion of systematic bias by Medium Staff.
This article makes it seem like these white racists are nothing more than just the latest manifestation of white supremacy that’s been there all along. The reality is far different. As I’ve discussed here, white identity politics was at an all-time low at the time of Obama’s initial election (which is why a majority of whites voted Democratic in 2008). This movement is new. And it is a direct outgrowth of what has happened on the left since 2008.
To say this anther way, is there anyone out there on the left who wants to dig a little deeper and take actual responsibility for creating this new white identity movement that was a total fringe phenomenon before the race-baiting in the identity politics segment of the left and in the sensationalizing media started to take hold during Obama’s presidency (not blaming him personally, though I don’t think he helped). Don’t tell me the loud, aggressive, demanding protesters of #BlackLivesMatter (protesting over the repeatedly empirically discredited “fake news” that there was an epidemic of cops killing unarmed blacks) didn’t spur these white bigots into action and create the blueprint for this kind of resurgent white identity movement.
I’ve been saying for a long time on Medium now that you can’t keep demonizing and browbeating people who are themselves struggling economically and expect them to take it lying down. I don’t support the white identitarian movement in any way, shape or form (I am completely against any role for the disgraceful concept of “race” in our society, as I’ve described here), but the bigots on the left need to acknowledge their own role in rousing up the bigots on the right. Until they do that and take steps to address the widespread and entirely-out-in-the-open anti-white racism that’s all over the place (especially on Medium) now, we’re going to be having only half the conversation that we actually need to have in order to solve the emerging problem of resurgent white supremacy.