First, if you want to participate in any normal dialogue, you might want to start spelling the word “white” the normal way and not some stupid way someone made up to do a better job engaging in regressive identity politics.
Second, if you’re going to make broad, sweeping accusations that my entire post was a defense of white supremacy, a claim like that isn’t going to be taken seriously by anyone unless you actually substantiate it … or, if you’re an intolerant bigot like Tenaja Jordan, then, of course, don’t bother substantiating it, and keep coming at me with your badly aimed wild swings. Tenaja Jordan’s original article, to remind you, was a racist rant saying, in essence, that she couldn’t really be friends with a woman because the woman was white. As I quoted, she included broad negative race-based generalizations like, “Being friends with white people always involves a fair amount of overlooking ignorance and assuming good intentions. We can’t swear you off altogether because you control too much.” It was as clear a case of pure racism as you’ll ever see. I responded to that by calling it out as intolerant bigotry and saying that the white woman in question should be grateful that a racist like Tenaja Jordan can’t be friends with her … because, really, who needs friends like that? How that is any sort of defense of white supremacy is beyond me. Just as calling out white racism isn’t the same thing as defending black supremacy or black nationalism, calling out black racism isn’t the same thing as defending white supremacy or white nationalism. As I told you, I don’t even subscribe to the idea of race as a useful category (so much so that I deliberately refuse to identify my race on any of those forms that ask the question), and I certainly don’t subscribe to any sort of white identitarianism.
Finally, again, if you’re going to call me out for not using my name in my articles, then a reasonable thing to do would be to look, first, to see if that claim is even true. Obviously, in your petulant urge to sling mud, you got careless and were too lazy to check your facts. There are plenty of articles on here where I use my name, as I said, and the reason I do that is that I stand behind the things I say, don’t espouse any sort of hateful ideologies of the sort you are trying to ascribe to me and wish more people would be willing to stand up for justice and stand against racist bigotry, regardless of where it comes from.