I don’t know what any of this has to do with “Stormfront,” so I assume you’re throwing that in there just to troll me, but you’re actually correct that a majority of whites did not vote Democratic in 2008. I was writing that sloppily. What I should have said (and I’ll change it in the original article to make it accurate) is this:
“According to Pew surveys, in 2008, at the time of the election of our first black President, 44 percent of whites actually leaned Democratic, while only 42 percent leaned Republican.”
What I could also have said, still more compellingly, is this (which is what I wrote in a later article that covered some of this same ground):
According to 2008 exit polls, in that year when he was on the Presidential ballot for the first time, Obama — who was just as (half-)black in 2008 as he remained in 2016 — “won the largest share of white support of any Democrat in a two-man race since 1976.” More strikingly, “[a] stunning 54 percent of young white voters supported Obama, compared with 44 percent who went for [John] McCain…. In the past three decades, no Democratic presidential nominee has won more than 45 percent of young whites.” “White college graduates, 35 percent of voters, broke for McCain 51 to 47 percent, marking roughly a 3-point gain for Obama compared to [the lily-white Al] Gore’s 44 percent showing.”
In other words, my actual phrasing was incorrect, but the underlying point was absolutely correct (and it’s one that’s been noted repeatedly), which is that the same whites who’d voted for Obama in 2008 had swung to Trump by 2016. So if they were voting for Obama, they obviously weren’t big-time racists or white supremacists. Something happened in the interim to make them more focused on their white identity. That something is the dramatic uptick in SJW anti-white activism, regressive, zero-sum identity politics and other anti-racist propaganda.
So I’d suggest you keep reading the article you said you stopped reading. You might actually learn something….