I think, in your over-eagerness to emote against me, you may have missed some of my points.
You say white high school dropouts are wealthier than black and Hispanic college graduates. First, one of the points I’d made in the post of mine that you responded to is that these kinds of broad racial category terms are sources of a lot of sloppy and racist thinking. Here’s what I’d written:
“[W]hite people” are not a culture any more than “black people” or “Asian people” are a culture. There is American culture and French culture and British culture and Russian culture and Persian culture, etc. Each of these is different, just as the culture of China and Japan and Korea and Thailand and the Philippines are not one unitary “Asian” culture.
You’ve fallen headlong right into the trap I’d described. Your use of these broad, crude terms (“black” and “Hispanic”) obscure important distinctions. What you say (and I’ve come across these findings multiple times before) is true of African-American college graduates, but it’s not true of all “black” college graduates, because the situation with African-Americans is very different from the situation with people like Nigerian Americans, who are disproportionately successful. Similarly, in the case of “Hispanics,” there are many different categories of “Hispanics” out there, and Cuban Americans tend to be, again, disproportionately successful, while Puerto Ricans, Dominicans and Mexicans might fall into a different category. There are good explanations for this that are beyond the scope of this comment, but the point here is that I don’t think this kind of research that uses these overbroad racial categories does anyone any good.
Second, I don’t understand what point you are making by citing this study about certain categories of “white” people being wealthier than certain categories of “blacks” and “Hispanics.” Yes, of course, there’s a lot of accumulated wealth among some people with pale skin in America. Who’s denying that? Why is that even noteworthy or interesting? Why is it anything other than obvious? And what exactly does that have to do with the points I was making about the prevalence of anti-white racism in popular culture today? No one here is denying that, historically speaking, America was much more racist against African-Americans than against most whites. The accumulated wealth gap has a lot to do with that, sure. But what I addressed in the post you’d responded to is not what was going on historically, but rather, what’s going on right now:
[B]lack people in America in 2017 are actually, as a general rule, FAR more openly racist than most white people are. White racism is a fringe phenomenon right now. It’s widely derided in the media and in every aspect of popular culture. It gets you fired from your job or expelled from your university. The only way people like you can go around claiming that there’s all this white racism around is by pointing to “implicit bias” (which mysteriously tags every white person with subconscious racism). The one (big) problem with this idea is that implicit bias has been completely discredited. There is zero evidence that the results of implicit bias tests are even replicable, and there is zero evidence that alleged “implicit bias” has any bearing on people’s actual conduct in the real world.
In the meantime, anti-white racism by blacks is completely out in the open and ubiquitous.
A group can be disproportionately wealthy and successful and yet face much more public hostility and racism than some other group, no? If the situation persists, then eventually what you get is scenarios like in the Russian Revolution or the rise of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, where people who have wealth have it violently expropriated from them by angry, resentful ne’re-do-wells. And my point is that racism is racism no matter who it’s directed against, and racism is wrong, and it doesn’t matter whether its victims are wealthy or poor. Jews in Germany before World War II tended to be disproportionately wealthy, but that didn’t make the anti-Semitism directed against them any better, did it?
As for the original story and my original response to it, yes, an anecdote is a “very common literary device,” but some anecdotes are illustrative and serve to illuminate complex realities, while other anecdotes deceive and mislead and get us to jump to faulty conclusions, and my point was that this anecdote about a brazenly racist 87-year-old European (described under cover of anonymity by its cowardly author) is not remotely representative of most white people in America at this point. It invite readers to jump to the conclusion that, behind closed doors, many or most white people are really like this old European guy, sort of like in that famous Eddie Murphy SNL sketch where he goes “undercover” and discovers the secret world of white people when no blacks are around. It’s great as comedy, but as a reflection of reality, it’s ridiculous. If you want personal experiences, my personal experience is that there are very few white people like that old guy still out there, and the ones who are are usually, like the guy being described, very old or European immigrants to America or just fringe racist extremists. Meanwhile, anti-white racists are all over the place and out in the open at this point. Unfortunately, most people take awhile to shift their consciousness and adjust to a new reality that’s no longer the one that we were living in in 1860 or even 1960.
Finally, you conclude with this eloquent comment: “Your time would be much better spent digging your head out of your ass.” This is the kind of classless linguistic thuggery that’s unfortunately all-too-common on the alt-left at this point in time and that usually very quickly surfaces once regressive leftists like you run out of reasoned arguments to take issue with positions with which they disagree. Saying stuff like this makes you sound dumb and vulgar and immature. It gets you ignored in polite society. So, to echo your thoughts back to you, if this is the level at which you want to conduct the discussion, perhaps your time would be much better spent digging your head into some refinement, culture and education.