I've read many demented stories that seem like the individuals writing them literally have a dent in their heads such that they're unable to process reality without everything coming out hopelessly skewed and topsy-turvy, but this article might top them all. I don't know about you guys across the Atlantic, but here in the U.S., we're increasingly living in an authoritarian left wokeocracy in which the government, working in close collaboration with big corporations, endeavors to curtail our access to a variety of political perspectives in the guise of cracking down on "disinformation," even while feeding us a steady stream of utter propaganda to amplify racial, gender and sexual divisions and take our eye off the ball of the larger forces of social control closing in around us.
In lieu of going statement by statement in your insane rant, I'll just take these two:
"Joe Biden? He’s an excellent President. He’s out there reinventing not just America’s economy, but so much so that the world’s now copying him — except, LOL, Britain, of course. And yet Americans barely notice."
Huh?? When you talk about Biden "reinventing" the American economy, are you referring to cutting the real wages of millions of people by continuing to drive massive inflation through a combination of such brilliant moves as extending Covid benefits way too long and giving away $80 billion to Ukraine to perpetuate a war in which America has no actual interest and that is principally enriching American weapons manufacturers and the oil industry that will profit from the sabotage of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline? Or are you talking about Biden's equally brilliant plan (which he was thankfully prevented from implementing thus far) that would have forgiven college loan obligations and resulted in a huge effective regressive tax through a wealth transfer from the far poorer non-college-educated Americans to far wealthier college-educated Americans? I'm sure driving inflation, warmongering and regressive taxation are all very progressive policies that make the doddering Biden an "excellent President," but ... well, "excellent for whom?" might have been a good question to ask yourself before putting pen to paper.
And statement #2: "Americans never had much."
To clarify the context, you're referring there to Britons losing a lot of what they had with the current "conservative" turn, whereas for Americans, they never had much to begin with, so maybe they don't realize just how bad things are. But I'm still a bit lost, I must admit. Do you mean to say that the residents of the wealthiest, most successful, most advanced nation on Earth enjoying many generations of prosperity "never had much?" Gee, if this is what "never having much" looks like, I wonder how the people of the Sudan are doing. But I guess your idea of what it means to have something is very different from most people's. To you, I gather, human beings, in their ideal state, are kind of like obese, sedentary pigs with mouths permanently agape and plugged into a federally funded feeding trough pouring a steady stream of slop to keep them fed and watered, while dulling their minds and senses to the horror of their situation. And when the government does anything to interrupt the flow of slop, you cry "fascism!!" I guess it's an interesting perspective. Not the most enlightened view, mind you, but interesting....