Traditional Tradesman
3 min readMay 15, 2018


I’ve read many, many closed-minded, uninformed and inflammatory articles on the topic of race, but this one, which the good folks at Medium sent my way, is right up there with the worst of the lot. It traffics in all the typical empty and meaningless rhetoric about “white supremacy,” “whiteness” and “black bodies” — terms which have to get an obligatory mention in these kinds of articles — but, of course, the only actual evidence of any “racism” here is anecdotal. To cover up for this absence of trustworthy and reliable empirical data that could possibly convince anyone who’s not already a zealous convert to the cause that the things the author is talking about are real rather than products of a deeply disturbed and paranoid outlook on the world (that’s unfortunately spreading like wildfire), the author makes recourse to the usual cop-outs: racism in 2018 has transformed from the overt kind we can actually see and stamp out to the kind that is “systemic,” “implicit,” “unconscious” and “invisible,” displayed in such phenomena as “microaggressions,” the “centering” of whiteness and the “marginalization” of blackness. Translated into common-sense English, this says, “I can’t really show you any evidence of actual racism, but I have plenty of evidence of my experience of racism, which you can’t see because it’s invisible to those who don’t experience it.” To anyone who has that kind of mindset, I strongly recommend this recent article to inject a dose of reality into the debate:

And here are some more leads to follow:

  • There is no evidence of an epidemic of cops killing black men:
  • There is no evidence of “mass incarceration” of black men. What there is is evidence of “mass criminality”:
  • There is no evidence of “implicit bias”:
  • The biggest obstacle to African-American achievement today is not white racism, but rather, the toxic phenomenon of what sociologists call black “cool-pose culture”:

The healthiest thing for many African Americans to do right now if they want to get out of the mentality and status of perpetual victimhood is to turn their backs on the toxic and regressive racial culture and racial ideology of “blackness” that has kept so many people imprisoned and to embrace their individuality, because at the end of the day — no matter how much authors like Marcus Donaldson may crave to embrace the false solidarity of a racial identity — he and I and all of us are ultimately called upon to face up to who we are as individual human beings, to make our own choices and work towards the fulfillment of our own most treasured dreams.



Traditional Tradesman
Traditional Tradesman

Written by Traditional Tradesman

I am an attorney specializing in general commercial litigation. I am a writer specializing in general non-commercial poetry, fiction, drama, essays & polemics.

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