Not sure why you think my description of the “real left” better describes moderate Republicans. My goal was to describe precisely what you think I forgot about, viz., the party of FDR, which is why I spoke of positions like eliminating entrenched hierarchies that create unfair economic privileges, fighting the neoliberal and neoconservative reign of corporate cronyism and the Big Banks, forging working class alliances between poor whites and poor blacks, creating a system of universal healthcare and making education affordable. These are the priorities of people like Bernie Sanders, not the priorities of moderate Republicans, who tend to be people like Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush and who are completely in the pockets of the financial industry, big corporations, Saudi oil money, etc. Meanwhile, the Alt-Left, as I suggested, doesn’t care very much or think very deeply about these kinds of core economic issues and instead focuses on superficial identity politics, virtue signaling and fighting against law enforcement, none of which is going to help poor and working-class Americans be safer or more prosperous.