Thanks a lot. That’s super nice of you to say. While, unlike the identity-mongers, we don’t need to have our egos stroked every time we put pen to paper, it’s still rewarding to hear on occasion that some people are reading and appreciating. As far as whether or not there are people who “value decency and honest thinking” around, I published a piece a little while ago in The Federalist in which I demonstrated that, statistically speaking, the kinds of regressive beliefs that seem to dominate the airwaves, and certainly dominate here on Medium, are still minority (no pun intended) positions that just seem like they’re majority positions because political correctness has been so spectacularly successful in silencing people who disagree with its sacred creeds. But I guess that’s still a bit different from people who “value decency and honest thinking,” since at least some of those people against political correctness are real white supremacists, white identitarians or other mirror-images of the crazies on the regressive left. And, yes, I share your fear that the number of people who are truly independent-minded and open-minded and committed to intellectual honesty and able to disagree with others in a civilized fashion is indeed shrinking. But maybe there are more than we think. Maybe they’re just being out-shouted by these more obstreperous sorts, and so they’re hiding in corners, too disgusted to engage. Even more than when he composed these lines, we’re truly living in an age in which, as Yeats wrote, “the best lack all conviction while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”