Thanks for your comments, Mr. Custer. You’re correct to point out the potential bias of this source. I don’t have any reason, however, to believe this particular statistic is wrong. Do you? My general practice is not to discount statistics simply because they’re coming from a biased source, though caution is certainly warranted in such instances. For example, while I find Ta-Nehisi Coates to be a raving anti-white racist and conspiracy theorist, I don’t discount the various statistics he presents in his articles about America’s history, etc. I simply understand that those statistics aren’t the whole story. President Trump also regularly misrepresents numbers, but again, the right approach isn’t to discount those numbers entirely but to take them with a grain of salt and fact-check where possible.
In any event, I have a longer article that I posted awhile back that presents a larger assemblage of relevant stats on this issue of common views Muslims hold:
“Let’s Stop Spreading P.C. Lies About Muslims” by Traditional Tradesman
The vast majority of those statistics are from Pew, and even if you entirely ignore the statistic from The Center for Security Policy, they’ll paint a certain picture that, I think, is quite disturbing insofar as many widespread or majority Muslim beliefs are totally out of step with what we generally find to be “acceptable” views in Western societies. Any white American or Evangelical Christian holding some of those views would be widely demonized by the same people who give Muslims a pass on them.
My solution to this issue is not to ostracize Muslims or exclude them in our immigration policy, but rather, to admit them to the U.S. slowly, carefully and selectively, and more importantly, to have an immigration policy that also deals with the all-important issue of post-arrival integration and assimilation, helping people transition with a new language, learning relevant job skills, etc., so that we don’t get anything like the formation of insular Muslim ghettos of the sort they have in nations like France and Belgium now.
Hope that makes sense.