There aren’t any “statutes” like that on the basis of race either right now, as I’m sure you know. In fact, the only statutes that currently speak of race are part of anti-discrimination law. And policies of all kinds of organizations, universities, etc., mention race only to promote racial diversity. But, as I’m sure you also know, subtle forms of discrimination can exist even without any official statutes being on the books. With regard to people who are “dumb, short or ugly,” such discrimination is there in pretty much every aspect of life, whether dating or hiring or promotion, etc. As for race, however, the biases now largely run in the opposite direction from what you hear said in the media. Employers and universities are super eager to hire and promote anyone with a pulse and a non-comatose brain who looks a bit darker than your typical Caucasian, and the more shades darker the better. White people are very eager to show off their black friends for the boost in social cache and legitimacy this yields them. The publishing and entertainment industry is falling all over itself in a quest to tell stories that elevate non-whites and demonize whites. Being non-white has become a huge status symbol. If we open our eyes and ears — and, most of all, our minds — we know this to be true. But many of us have had our minds welded shut by media bombarding us with bogus claims of anti-black racism that make it seem like we’re still living in 1950s Selma, Alabama. We’ve got to fight the disinformation campaign and get out of the cave they have us living in.