Um … well … I was responding to someone who suggested, for no apparent reason that I could see, that I was some sort of racist affiliated or allied with Stormfront, which is so far from the truth that it’s laughable. Did you call him out for “insulting” me? When I corrected him and also offered detailed facts to show why the substantive argument I was making about whites drifting away from the Democratic Party post-Obama was right, the response was “I don’t care” about facts, and, essentially, that as far as he’s concerned, I’m still a racist. “Anti-intellectual bigot” is exactly the right label for that, no?
And I should add that when he responded to what I said with something more substantive than pure race-baiting, I was glad to respond in kind, making an argument that, whether you agree with it or not, is one that takes his point of view seriously and responds to it without any inflated rhetoric or insults or any sort.