What are you talking about? You are living in some alternate reality, like maybe the reality that existed in 1860 or 1960. In this world, the one we actually live in today, black people, from black athletes to black celebrities to black racists, are routinely allowed to get away with conduct for which white people are just as routinely persecuted and pilloried. Here, for your edification, is a list of 50 such things black people are routinely allowed to get away with. And here, for your further edification, is a clear explanation of why accusing people of “white privilege” is anti-white racism, pure and simple.
The most absurd part of what you wrote is that Trump is not being allowed to get away with anything, whether because of “white privilege” or for any other reason. He’s being besieged by the biased mainstream media in a way I’ve never seen in my lifetime. Far from getting any sort of honeymoon period of the sort every president (including Obama) always enjoyed, he has faced obstruction at every turn and had calls for his impeachment ringing out before he was even inaugurated. He and his people are being bogged down in vague, ill-defined investigations of anything and everything, which investigations have thus far wasted tons of time and taxpayer money without yielding a bit of actual evidence of anything that’s actually illegal. He and his staffers are being undermined each and every day by criminal leakers. His policy proposals are being shouted down instead of being subjected to actual critical scrutiny of any intelligent sort. If this is how “white privilege” works, I don’t want any part of it.
I have many reservations about Trump myself, but he doesn’t deserve to be treated with this comically absurd level of contempt and media bias, which is just exacerbating his worst tendencies and making him take to Twitter rather than focus on policy. For instance, while I was against most aspects of the Muslim ban because it was too broad and too blunt an instrument, I am completely for the current reform on immigration that is being proposed to reform our immigration policy so that it is more like Canada’s or Australia’s or Switzerland’s and so we admit people with actual skills and education that we need to compete in today’s high-tech marketplace rather than admitting people simply because they’re related to someone who’s already here, which results in bringing in all kinds of trailer-park trash who then become dependent on government benefits or work the kinds of low-wage, low-skilled jobs that are rapidly being automated out of existence. When we admit people like that, we simply increase income inequality. Does it make any sense for the Left to rail against income inequality and then support an immigration policy that increases it and that directly results in hurting those Americans who are already at the bottom of the economic ladder and who then see their jobs being given, instead, to new arrivals who are less cognizant of their rights and less likely to complain? It has been found repeatedly, for instance, that the main victims of illegal immigration (which Trump also wants to stop) are African-Americans, who lose jobs to illegal immigrants. It doesn’t take a genius to appreciate this. Take a look at businesses that hire legally, such as Whole Foods. Most of their shelf-stockers and checkout people, at least here in New York City, are black. Now, look at the nearby convenience store worker or restaurant busboys or kitchen staff. Most of those workers are Mexicans who often don’t speak English and are here illegally but are cheaper to hire and less likely to be vocal about their rights. In other words, if these businesses didn’t have a steady supply of illegal immigrants to choose from, the African-American unemployment rate wouldn’t be nearly as high as it is.
My point in all this is that if Trump’s policies on immigration were actually given a fair hearing, people would realize that at least some of them have a lot of merit to them. But instead, the knee-jerk idiots on the left are just obstructing and attacking anything and everything he does. There is no “white privilege” here. What there is is “liberal privilege,” and it’s a privilege Obama enjoyed throughout his presidency. Trump certainly hasn’t been given the benefit of that doubt.