Wow, you really seem to have made all sorts of sweeping conclusions about me, the privileges I allegedly enjoy and the problems I allegedly do or don’t have … and all based solely on my race. Very impressive. Are you psychic … or just racist? How about this: based on your name, I’m going to conclude that you’re a highly educated upper class sort of fellow (so that you have no right to lecture anyone else on privileges) with a tendency to formality, poor people skills and a limited ability to understand humor (just, because, you know, you have a Japanese name, so I’m trotting out some good ole Japanese stereotypes). Okay, now why don’t we both retreat from that precipice and stop forming idiotic conclusions about one another based on purely superficial characteristics that tell us nothing about who we really are as human beings?
Somehow, in lecturing me about white privilege and white fragility (the fact that I’m so allegedly threatened by the fact that black people are making inroads into the Caucasian domination of America) and giving me a pedantic etymology lesson on the word “ghetto,” which is, of course, totally irrelevant to what I was writing about, you seem to have missed an obvious fact: my article that you responded to was intended as an absurd rejoinder to what I took to be an equally absurd call by the NAACP for black people to avoid the whole state of Missouri because Missouri had made it harder to sue for racial discrimination. But because identity-politics bullies on the Alt-Left, where you seem to be firmly situated, are generally completely humorless sorts (so maybe the humorless Japanese stereotype was right in your particular case?), you seem to have taken it upon yourself to respond seriously to my nonsense and have decided to educate me upon the subject of modern life in the ghetto and upon the subject of who I am, what privileges I enjoy and what problems I have. Thanks for that; I’ll take it up with my psychotherapist, as soon as I start going to one to address the case of white masochism you want to instill in me. Because I haven’t yet attained that rarefied state of enlightenment in which I will realize I need to be quiet, put on my yellow armband that says “Certified Oppressor” and take my rightful seat at the back of the bus with all the other white people, however, I’ll offer you some advice of my own: try doing a bit less thinking about what race people are and a bit more thinking about how doing too much thinking about what race people are is the biggest part of the problem.