You know, Ron, part of why I get into these back-and-forth-type dialogues is just that I find it enjoyable, I suppose, and part of it is that I have unconventional political positions, so that I feel like I have a bit of an advantage over a “conventional” “conservative” in trying to win over some of these people (I know they’re never going to agree with me fully, but I do feel like I can open and have opened their minds a bit in small ways), and then the last part of it is that the proponents of identity politics are so vocal and in your face in trying to shut down everyone who disagrees with them that I almost see it as sort of a duty not to cower and let them perpetuate their bullying and their nonsense. This Alfred Yun guy I’ve been going back and forth with recently is clearly far from an idiot, and he isn’t just name-calling, so I’m fine seeing where things go with him until the discussion peters out. It seems that we’re probably going to reach a point soon where we’re just repeating ourselves, and at that point, I’ll wind it down, but for the moment, I’m still having fun with the dialogue, so ….
I guess ultimately I wish there were more of us here on Medium and in the rest of our lives willing to go toe-to-toe with these kinds of people, and then we wouldn’t be in the situation we’re in now in our society. The problem is that the people who are the loudest and most vocal are also the ones who are generally the dumbest and angriest proponents of political correctness and identity politics (and the fact that Medium’s staff seems to be almost wholly composed of these same kinds of people doesn’t help), and so we all get this misimpression that this is the dominant view that’s out there, which, as I documented in this piece in The Federalist, is not at all the case. If more of us in the silent majority weren’t quite so silent, we wouldn’t have this minority of black hate-mongers and white masochists ruling the roost.